Lets get things rolling now...
In case u people were wondering...
Yes, i have bought myself a new camera..yep2.
if u must know..its a Sony A200....
and yes... i went to buy at Sg Wang
yes, alone...
in case u people were wondering....thats all...;p
so, with a lot of my money spent...how do i feel?....
must say, feeling very happy..finally..its been a long long wait..
it has been months of looking thru the net for reviews...rummaging through forums for opinions..hours spent at shopping malls asking the kedai this and that...even went to Youtube to look at reviews....
yes..this wasnt a decision made on a whim...its weeks of browsing and reasearh..so much so that if i was in the field of medicine..i could've found the cure for the common cold or something like that...
before i was into only post processing, mostly with other people's shot and pictures..
then the need to process my own work was aroused..why? because i find that to stave of the urge to do some serious photoshop-ing, i need to take my own set of photos, and work on them, rather than wait for others...
so here are some few shot taken with my new cammy, and please be gentle as they are only test shots done at home..
Taking it for a spin outside a bit.picture of the laman.like the colours it spat out..
bear in mind these were simply snapped...not a thought went into composition, exposure bla2..so yeah..its pretty ordinay..
now to officially take it for a day out....sape nak join..kite tembak orang buat Dragon dance!!!!...
but where ek? ;p
Just my humble opinion...
I'd like to mention here, that before one would buy items of great value, or items that would cost a lot of one's money...it would be best not to rush things..take it slow...think it through..do some research...avoid going to the shop and buy on impulse..most often than not, u'll end up regretting it because it wasnt what u hoped for or u were just swept away by the moment..shopkeepers have a way of making u feel that ure making the right choice then and there..
Electronics for the most part has tons of reviews on the internet..so do ur homework..or ull end up with a gadget u regret owning..
kind of u to bestow us ur words of wisdom pu pu pu...
eh ape korg mencarut nih?
anyway Fasyan, kalo aku nak beli tiket Sunburst tu.. do I have to do any research? Hehehehe!!
Aku nak beli then and there! Aku x kire! nak nak nak nak nak!!!!
"...it would be best not to rush things..take it slow...think it through..do some research...avoid going to the shop and buy on impulse.."
this only applies to electronic gadgets kott.. cam handphones, mp3s, cameras n stuffs. bende len impulse buying la besttt :P
haha, yeah..gadgets mostly..unless u want to do research for stuff like baju ke, kasut...ade ke tak tuh? ngahahaha
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